This is the season when the colours and smells of trees and plants become more vivid and spring is in the air.
For the first time, the exhibition will focus on the theme of flowerpots and plants, featuring paintings and one-off flowerpots.
Masahiro Ikarashi is a photographer who develops his own unique world with his unconstrained and free ideas.
Atsuko Imaizumi paints nostalgic and beautiful scenes that live in our mental memories in vivid colours.
Naosuke Danjo uses glass and ceramics to create works that combine boldness, strength and delicacy.
Tomoyasu Nakajima makes the most of the charm of clay and incorporates the colours and vibrancy of the earth into his vessels.
Come and find a ‘piece’ to add colour to your daily life.

〒152-0035 東京都台東区池之端3丁目3−5


